Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Touching the Clouds

I was driving Cadence to Kindermusik on Tuesday morning and the sun was shining and the clouds were huge and fluffy! Cadence was saying, "LOOK AT THE CLOUDS MOMMY!" I told her they were really cool and "aren't they fluffy?" She replied with, "I wanna touch 'em!!" I told her clouds are really far away and we can't touch them very easily. She said, "I need some rope!" "ROPE?!" I asked. "Yeah, I need some rope so I can climb really high and touch the clouds."

What will she think of next?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Colors of the Wind

Soooo another day in the life of... *sigh*

This weekend we were out someplace and there was a gentleman standing nearby. He was native american or hawaiian (he had dark skin and long black hair tied back in a pony tail). Cadence was pointing at him and saying something I couldn't quite make out. She kept saying it though and I actually thought she knew the man from somewhere!!!

Finally when we weren't by him and I asked again what she said I caught on.


Thursday, February 7, 2008


One day this weekend Cadence was in her room "napping." Napping lately means resting in her room.. basically a play time by herself and a break time for me! Finally after an hour or more of screaming in her room I released the beast. She came downstairs and I asked her, "Did you nap?" She replied with, "No." I said, "WHYYY?" Her response...

"I'm not about it."