Thursday, March 6, 2008

She loves almost everything... who knew?

We've taken to reading Cadence bedtime stories now; something we should have perhaps started ages ago. We've always read to her but not always at bedtime. Now she's in a full size bed so she lays in the middle while I try to lay beside her and not fall out of the bed while I read to her.

A night or two ago (Man, was that last night? My memory sucks!) the story choice was "Elmo Loves You" and it goes through a bunch of things different people love. Bert loves pigeons... WHYYYYY!?!?!? Anyways.. Cadence.. the last page says "what are some things you love?" So she said...

Max, Rocky, Buffy (our cats), Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Donald Duck, Pluto, Elmo, etc etc...

Was there any sign of Mommy in there? I didn't think so. The girl's got her priorities you know... she listed the important stuff. It's ok.. I don't need the love. You know.. not like I carried you for 9 months in my belly and had health issues that I made damn sure didn't effect you or anything of that nature. Nope.. it's ok.. I don't need the love.