Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wash the baby

Tonight after work I had to head back out for my co-worker, Leslie's, baby shower through work. I told Cadence I was going and she was sad and wanted to come along. I told her it was just people from work and she could come to Leslie's next shower that I'm helping to throw. This still didn't satisfy her and she wailed, "I wanna help wash the baby!!!"


Well, I just chalked it up to cuteness and left. When I came back Chris said, "You know how she wanted to wash the baby?" Me - "yeah?!" Him - "well... baby SHOWER???"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... she's so funny!!! :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

7/24/2008 - So I put Cadence to bed for what I thought was the night. After this each night she tends to do naughty things quietly so no one knows...

Tonight, Max, our cat, became her victim. I went up to bed myself and around the corner of the stairs appears Max... not looking ashamed or anything, just looking, well.. like a cat wearing a bib. Not able to contain my laughter I said, "IS HE WEARING A BIB!?" And I heard small human laughter from upstairs.

I approached the bedroom and someone I know pretended to be asleep amongst her giggles and smiles.

The first thing the next morning, though, she asked to see the pictures of Max wearing the bib. She still finds it extremely amusing... and so do I ;) Don't tell her!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Into the Metal

This morning Cadence was eating breakfast, cereal, with a spoon. She said, "This is made of glass!" Chris said, "Actually it's metal." She said, "What's metal?" He said, "the spoon."

So she thinks about it and says... "Bambi went into the metal."

No... no... that's the meadow sweetheart.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

She made a funny!

Cadence made her own joke the other morning! :) It was adorable. She was watching a cartoon called "Oswald" on her favorite channel, Noggin. Oswald was playing with his dog, Weenie. They were playing hide & seek and Oswald ran to hide and when he was ready he called for Weenie to come find him. They panned over to Weenie and he was sleeping! Cadence chuckled and said, "It's hide & SEEK not hide & SLEEP!" I still laugh when I think about it! Clever little toot, isn't she?


I haven't been around for a while but I'm back with a few cute Cadenceisms. First of all.. and, no, I'm not proud, she copied me. I was in the car and said "DAMMIT" for some reason and she said, "dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit" until I couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. I mean - come on! - hearing a 3 y/o spew out obscenities is hysterical! She really hasn't done this before.. at least copying my mouth! Once she heard Chris scream "FUCK" from upstairs (he had the right - he was cleaning out poop from the bathtub) and she ran to the bottom of the stairs and yelled "FUUUUCK" back at him. I think my innocent little "dammit" pales in comparison to his very large "FUCK."

Thursday, March 6, 2008

She loves almost everything... who knew?

We've taken to reading Cadence bedtime stories now; something we should have perhaps started ages ago. We've always read to her but not always at bedtime. Now she's in a full size bed so she lays in the middle while I try to lay beside her and not fall out of the bed while I read to her.

A night or two ago (Man, was that last night? My memory sucks!) the story choice was "Elmo Loves You" and it goes through a bunch of things different people love. Bert loves pigeons... WHYYYYY!?!?!? Anyways.. Cadence.. the last page says "what are some things you love?" So she said...

Max, Rocky, Buffy (our cats), Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Donald Duck, Pluto, Elmo, etc etc...

Was there any sign of Mommy in there? I didn't think so. The girl's got her priorities you know... she listed the important stuff. It's ok.. I don't need the love. You know.. not like I carried you for 9 months in my belly and had health issues that I made damn sure didn't effect you or anything of that nature. Nope.. it's ok.. I don't need the love.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Touching the Clouds

I was driving Cadence to Kindermusik on Tuesday morning and the sun was shining and the clouds were huge and fluffy! Cadence was saying, "LOOK AT THE CLOUDS MOMMY!" I told her they were really cool and "aren't they fluffy?" She replied with, "I wanna touch 'em!!" I told her clouds are really far away and we can't touch them very easily. She said, "I need some rope!" "ROPE?!" I asked. "Yeah, I need some rope so I can climb really high and touch the clouds."

What will she think of next?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Colors of the Wind

Soooo another day in the life of... *sigh*

This weekend we were out someplace and there was a gentleman standing nearby. He was native american or hawaiian (he had dark skin and long black hair tied back in a pony tail). Cadence was pointing at him and saying something I couldn't quite make out. She kept saying it though and I actually thought she knew the man from somewhere!!!

Finally when we weren't by him and I asked again what she said I caught on.


Thursday, February 7, 2008


One day this weekend Cadence was in her room "napping." Napping lately means resting in her room.. basically a play time by herself and a break time for me! Finally after an hour or more of screaming in her room I released the beast. She came downstairs and I asked her, "Did you nap?" She replied with, "No." I said, "WHYYY?" Her response...

"I'm not about it."

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hope it's our last!

Ear infection that is..

Cadence is finally done with her antibiotics. Actually, I can't complain too much because once we started letting her drink the stuff on her own (holding the little spoon dispenser doodad) she took it no problem. No sports cars were purchased and she's feeling 100% again! YAY!

This morning she crawled into bed with me and got as close as possible and then looked at me and said, "Do you love me?" *Gasp* is my child doubting my love for her?! Nah... she's just heard me say it to her a time or two :) I answered her with an, "OF COURSE!!" and hugged her closer.

I really love when she's snuggly like that. When I was saying good bye to her I asked her for a smooch and told her I loved her and she gets this shy, mushy look on her face and said, "love you too." I don't know why she does that but I hope she doesn't stop... at least for a long while! (Hey, I'm practical... I know there will come a time when she's not exactly in love with me!!)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

No naps for Mommy..

I had to work this morning. I won't complain about that since I only work one Saturday a month. However... last night was our office holiday party so I was up past my bedtime. So after work I went to bed.. took a nice snooze. What did I wake up to? My child, of course.

She was applying Chapstick to my lips. That'll bring you out of your skin. Can't really yell at her for being so thoughtful though, can ya?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Chris told me this story when I came home from work last night.

He took her to Best Buy (again... another rant ;) ) and on the way home she started complaining her lips hurt and she needed Chapstick. Her lips have been chapped for a while now and we both carry a wide assortment of chapsticks for, mostly, her amusement. However, he was driving and couldn't help her out at that moment. He said, "Hang on, Babe, we're almost to Waunakee."

She wailed louder and said, "I don't WANNA KEY!!!"

Monday, January 21, 2008

I'm glad you're here too, Baby!

Tonight at dinner Cadence was feeling exceptionally cuddly or something. She said, "You scoot me over, Mommy?" Me - "Where to Babe?" Her - "right HERE" while pointing to the spot beside me. I slid her closer to me so we were basically in each others' elbow room. She smiled really huge at me and said, "I'm so glad to be here!" I'll admit I got a bit misty-eyed... but composed myself to say, "I'm glad you're here too, Baby!" Of course, she had to take it up a notch still and said, "You're my friend, Mommy!" I sat there and choked down some more food while holding back the tears.

I love my peanut butter :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ear infection

Cadence had to come home from pre-school early yesterday. She didn't *have* to but I got a phone call saying she was complaining of pain in her ear and was crying. Took her to the doctor and they cleaned out her ear and sure enough, she had an ear infection. It's her first ever. She's never taken a full dose of antibiotics either. She complained of ear pain one other time, got an antibiotic, but we gave her one dose and decided she was playing us.

Anyways, she's on amoxicillin. It's the pink stuff I'm sure everyone's had to take as a kid. I remember hiding the chewable pill version as a kid because they tasted nasty. The liquid is "fruit gum" flavored but you can still smell that nasty junk in there and she can sure taste it!!

Last night I gave her the first dose and she was excited about it, thinking it tasted like cherries or something I'm sure. However, after a swig or two she realized it was no bubble gum. She managed to choke it down but only when I promised she could have chocolate milk afterwards.

This morning was her second dose. I promised chocolate milk but she had her hand clamped over her mouth and was not budging. I found myself saying all sorts of things trying to get her to drink the junk. "It will make you feel better!!" Her - "I ok!!!!" Me - "The doctor said you have to take it to make your ear better!" Her - "My ear doesn't hurt any more!!" Me - "I'll buy you a special treat!" Her - "glug glug glug... I want my special treat!"

She's no dummy. She's gonna hit me up for a pony tonight and a ferrari tomorrow morning. What will I do on doses 15 and 20? Save me.

Friday, January 18, 2008

A place for C!

I started thinking... probably too hard... that I wanted a place to store things that Cadence does or says. My own mom died when I was just 13 mos old and well, Dad did his best but just doesn't remember the things a mom would remember. I'd like to think I'll remember the important stuff when she's 16 and her first boyfriend (wait, did I say 16... make that 35!) comes over to meet me (and I need to whip out the embarrassing material) but the practical side of me wants to get things in writing so her dad isn't stuck not remembering the mom things.

I also spend entirely too much time online and thought this would be a nice way to spend some of that time.

I'll jot down funny things she says, strange things she does and maybe toss in a picture or two to show off.

With that being said let's get started!

Today in the car I was putting some lotion on my hands. I had just gotten started and was just rubbing my palms together. She was watching intently; she didn't want any, I asked. Then I heard, "the backs too, Mommy!" I thought I hadn't heard right so I asked, "What Babe?" She repeated, "backs too, Mommy!" Ohhhh BACKS! She was just repeating what I tell her so many times while she's washing her hands. I immediately rubbed the backs too just because I was so amused! My little Mother Hen.

Get those backs!!

So then she caught a whiff (the technical term) of my lotion and said, "I snell it!" (no that was not a typo). I asked her if she liked it, she said she did, so I put my hand under her nose to get a better whiff. She sniffed but declared, "I can snell it in the car too, Mommy." Duh, Tiff, she doesn't need your hand up her nose to snell that stuff, she already snelled it in the car!

She never ceases to run out of amusing things to repeat.