Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ear infection

Cadence had to come home from pre-school early yesterday. She didn't *have* to but I got a phone call saying she was complaining of pain in her ear and was crying. Took her to the doctor and they cleaned out her ear and sure enough, she had an ear infection. It's her first ever. She's never taken a full dose of antibiotics either. She complained of ear pain one other time, got an antibiotic, but we gave her one dose and decided she was playing us.

Anyways, she's on amoxicillin. It's the pink stuff I'm sure everyone's had to take as a kid. I remember hiding the chewable pill version as a kid because they tasted nasty. The liquid is "fruit gum" flavored but you can still smell that nasty junk in there and she can sure taste it!!

Last night I gave her the first dose and she was excited about it, thinking it tasted like cherries or something I'm sure. However, after a swig or two she realized it was no bubble gum. She managed to choke it down but only when I promised she could have chocolate milk afterwards.

This morning was her second dose. I promised chocolate milk but she had her hand clamped over her mouth and was not budging. I found myself saying all sorts of things trying to get her to drink the junk. "It will make you feel better!!" Her - "I ok!!!!" Me - "The doctor said you have to take it to make your ear better!" Her - "My ear doesn't hurt any more!!" Me - "I'll buy you a special treat!" Her - "glug glug glug... I want my special treat!"

She's no dummy. She's gonna hit me up for a pony tonight and a ferrari tomorrow morning. What will I do on doses 15 and 20? Save me.