Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hope it's our last!

Ear infection that is..

Cadence is finally done with her antibiotics. Actually, I can't complain too much because once we started letting her drink the stuff on her own (holding the little spoon dispenser doodad) she took it no problem. No sports cars were purchased and she's feeling 100% again! YAY!

This morning she crawled into bed with me and got as close as possible and then looked at me and said, "Do you love me?" *Gasp* is my child doubting my love for her?! Nah... she's just heard me say it to her a time or two :) I answered her with an, "OF COURSE!!" and hugged her closer.

I really love when she's snuggly like that. When I was saying good bye to her I asked her for a smooch and told her I loved her and she gets this shy, mushy look on her face and said, "love you too." I don't know why she does that but I hope she doesn't stop... at least for a long while! (Hey, I'm practical... I know there will come a time when she's not exactly in love with me!!)